Donnerstag, 19. November 2009

Blogging becoming obsolete? nöööööööö

Blog blog blog. Forgive me everyone for I have sinned. It has been 10 months since my last blog. But to be honest, with facebooking and tweeting and emailing and podcasting and xinging and skyping and chatting and whatever else, I've been a bit confused as to where to focus the attention of the random comments to share.

So as a letter to the editor; we could send a please explain as to how many ways people need to publish that they are "tired" or "cant wait til work finishes" or what other banal things we can come up with (me included).

Maybe talking is the one that is becoming obsolete. Old school face to face communication is bound to make a retro style comeback soon. But with time and money being the 2 resources we have to manage most effectively, unfortunately we aren't allowed this luxury as often as we may want.

But my statement comes here: the blog is back and will be updated as I can rack my memory to recall the details of this year 2009 that need to be respected with their own articles:

- Our wedding in Terrigal and all to do with how to get married within 35 days.
- Back to Germany
- Holland trip to old friends and married friends.
- If god lived on Earth, he'd spend some time in Stockholm in Summer.
- Our Berlin Kesselhaus wedding part 2 in Summer...Zweimal hält besser, this is your life. Some parties should never end.
- The Australian Griswalds, ie the McKenzie parents, go for part 2 of their European vacation. Aka hanging out with the oldies in Berlin and Prague in summer.
- How to understand taxes in Germany for married couples
- Berlin has AFL...road trips and victory
- Spain Spain spain. Mallorca wedding for scots and making the most of October on a shoestring
- and many other adventures and musings.

So stay tuned. Watch this space and keep on your toes cause the blog is back.

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